Our Story

In 2022 in a powerful worship service God told Jessica to “go” and “be the church.”  Through much prayer, and discernment in February of 2022,  Sam and Jessica opened their home and invited a few friends over to be the church. Much like the early church we see in the book of Acts, they started meeting together and having meals together. After the first gathering she was asking how we multiply and not just gather. Multiplication and discipleship is the core of who we are at Illuminate. 

We are called to reach the unchurched and de-churched, those living in illusion in Ionia.  Spiritual refugees who need to know they are seen, known and loved. 

God has shown us that when you seek God with your whole heart, He illuminates in us, transforms us, and shines through us. We are God's temple and when we learn to open the door and the windows to Jesus, He illuminates our truest identity. Jesus knows us; this we love! He already knows every intimate detail about us and our lives. I believe we sometimes want to go where someone knows our name. We desire to be known, seen, and loved. God knows us, He sees us, and He loves us.  And this is why in March of 2023 we planted Illuminate church. A church where the unchurched and de-churched can come to find space at a table to learn they are seen, known and loved by Jesus who will illuminate their lives.

Meet Our Team

Jessica Miller
  • Lead Pastor
Chris Hickok
  • Associate Pastor
Jamie Knopf
  • Worship Pastor